The court is not available on a specific date or time.  How can we keep from accidentally setting a hearing in JIS on that date or time?  Currently we just try to remember the restricted times, but sometimes hearings get set for those times anyway.

You probably already know that the Court Closed Days (CCD) screen is used to set up the court's open and closed hours, available days of the week, and holidays.  However, the CCD screen can ALSO be used to set a specific date or time when hearings cannot be scheduled.  The steps below provide instructions for the following situations.  Click a link to one of the three scenarios below to go directly to the instructions for that scenario further down the answer screen:

I. If there is a one-time date or time that needs blocked
II. If there is a recurring weekly event you want to block
III. If there is an entire Day of the Week to block from your current weekly calendaring dates


I.  If there is a one-time date or time that needs blocked:

  1. Enter the CCD command in JIS to access the Court Closed Days screen.
  2. Use the first available blank line to create your entry:

    • In the first space:  enter A for add.
    • In the second space: enter W for a Warning Message or E for Fatal Error Message. (Review the Online Manual section Warning and Error Messages Resulting from Court Closed Days to determine which code to use.)
    • In the holiday space: enter N for no.
    • SKIP the fourth space for Day of Week for a one-time setting.
    • Tab over to the Date/Begin Effective Date field and enter the date you want to block hearings.
    • SKIP the End Effective Date field for a one-time setting.
    • Tab to the Begin Time and enter the begin and then end times.
    • Press <ENTER> to save the new entry.

      See sample CCD screen entry below (prior to pressing <ENTER>):

II.  If there is a recurring weekly event you want to block:

  1. Enter the CCD command in JIS to access the Court Closed Days screen.
  2. Use the first available blank line to create your entry:

    • Enter A for add in the first space of the first line, just as indicated above for a one-time restriction.
    • In the second space:  enter W for a Warning Message or E for Fatal Error Message.
    • SKIP the holiday Y/N space.
    • In the fourth space: Enter the Day of Week code. (To display a list of the valid Weekday Codes, place your cursor on the Day of Week space and press <F1 >.)
    • SKIP the Date/Begin Effective Date to use the current date, or add a future date if the new schedule will begin in the future.
    • Tab to the End Effective Date field and enter the last date this restriction is valid. If this is a one-week restriction, enter the last day of that week; if the restriction will continue to the end of the current year, enter 12/31/20xx (current year).
    • In the Begin Time/End Time fields, add the begin time for the time of day the court will not allow hearings, and the time of day that the "block" should end.

      Note:  The Begin Time and End Time must be between the existing hours of operation.

      For example:  One existing entry shows unavailability of 1201 A - 0759 A, meaning the court opens at 8:00 a.m. The corresponding existing entry shows unavailability of 0501 P - 1200 A, meaning the court closes at 5:00 p.m.  Your new entry must fall between the 0800 A entry and the 0500 P entry, or you will need to change your existing entries (court hours).
    • Press <ENTER> to save the new entry.

      See sample CCD screen entry below (prior to pressing <ENTER>):

III.  If there is an entire Day of the Week to block from your current weekly calendaring dates:

  1. Enter the CCD command in JIS to access the Court Closed Days screen.
  2. DO NOT add any new entries until you have Changed (C) the two existing Day of the Week entries for the day of the week that will be affected:

    • On the first existing record, add a C in the first space, tab to the End Effective Date and change it to the day before you want this new schedule to take effect.
    • Press <ENTER> to save the updated entries.

      See sample CCD screen entry below (prior to pressing <ENTER>):

         3.  NOW you can Add (A) a new Calendar item that will take affect one day following

the End Effective Date of the changed entries in Step 2 above:

  • Enter A for add in the first space of the first line.
  • In the second space:  enter W for a Warning Message or E for Fatal Error Message.
  • SKIP the holiday Y/N space.
  • DO add the Day of Week code. (To display a list of the valid Weekday Codes, place your cursor on the Day of Week space and press <F1 >.)
  • Add the Begin Effective Date as one day after the End Effective Date changed in Step 2 above.
  • Add the End Effective Date of the end of the current year (12/31/20xx).
  • Make the Begin/End times read 1201 A and 1200 A respectively.
  • Press <ENTER> to save the new entry.

The entry should now be the same or similar to that of a Saturday or Sunday entry, effectively preventing hearings from begin set at any time during that day of the week.

See sample CCD screen entry below (prior to pressing <ENTER>):

Note:  If you set the Warning/Error Message to Warning (W), you would still be able to add a hearing or trial date that needed to be set on a restricted day or time.  If, however, you have the message flag set to Error (E), such as is usually the case for a Saturday or Sunday, you would NOT be able to set ANY hearing on that day without first changing the CCD screen again.

See also:

RN id: 1810