When trying to use the PERC command to convert a CV person record to an IN person record, the process appears to work but there is an error message at the top of the screen and the record remains as a CV person type. How can I convert the person record?

There is a known issue related to the Person Information (PERC) command that will cause the CV record conversion to process incorrectly.  This problem has to do with the use of the DOL data when the CV record is being converted. 

You MUST do the DOL search during the conversion process, or the PERC command will not complete the conversion.  However, if you press <F6> to import the DOL data into the new record DURING the conversion, you may receive an error message and the conversion will not be completed. 

The suggested "work around" is to make any updates to the CV record PRIOR to using the PERC command:

  1. Use the SND command with CV in the first field of the NmCd section of the navigator.
  2. Perform the initial search for the CV name.  When located, press <F9> to view DOL.
  3. If the information in DOL is different, press <F6> to import the DOL information into JIS and use it to update the existing CV record.
  4. Make any other additional updates, such as adding the full middle name or current address information to the record.

Once all changes have been made to the CV record, use the PERC command, INCLUDING another <F9> DOL search, to complete the conversion. 

RN id: 1806