What are the procedures in JIS when the defendant is deceased?

The Online Manuals on the Inside Courts Web site address many different procedures for both superior courts and courts of limited jurisdiction in this situation.  For example:

  • Processing non-cash credits
  • Criminal arraignment
  • Civil probate
  • Unclaimed property
  • LFO Billing
  • Defendant Case History
  • SCOMIS Commands
  • Pre-SCOMIS Cases

Rather than list several of the links here and perhaps miss the one that applies to your court's circumstance, AOC recommends that you perform a search of the Online Manuals for deceased defendant or for defendant is deceased, and then click the link that best fits your circumstance.

Please note!  There is NOT a single place from which you can search ALL the Online Manuals.  It is important that you first access the manual you want to search, such as:

and THEN perform your search

Following are detailed instructions on using the Search function within the Online Manuals.

  1. Go to the main Online Manual page on the Help Courts Site under Education on the Inside Courts Web site.
  2. Click the desired Online Manual.
  3. Click the Search magnifying glass to the left that is specific for that manual, enter your word or phrase in the search box. If you know this is a common term, click the button to search by Exact Phrase.
  4. Click Enter.
  5. Read through the descriptions displayed in the Results links to determine which link best describes what you are looking for and click that link.
  6. If you find that the section of the manual is not helpful, click Back one or more times to return to the list of Results and select a different link. Or click Back one more time to return to the Search box and change your search term.
  7. Remember, you can always use the eService Center to submit a question to AOC Customer Services or call AOC Customer Services at 1-800-442-2169 for assistance.

RN id: 1799