What JIS changes were made for 2007 legislation for courts of limited jurisdiction?

Several 2007 legislative bills required changes to JIS or documentation. (See Washington State Legislature/Bill Information.)

This answer contains:

  • A brief description of each bill and a link to the complete text of the bill on the Washington State Legislature's Web site.
  • A summary of the JIS changes for that bill.
  • Related links to the updated documentation in the JIS Online Manual, JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction, and to other eService Answers.

You may scroll down through this answer to see explanations of the changes, or click on a topic link below to skip directly to the explanation for that change:

  1. E3SHB 1001 - Auto Theft Prevention Account
  2. SSHB 2055 - Traumatic Brain Injuries
  3. HB 1994 - Overpayments Received by Courts
  4. SHB 1144 - Municipal Court Judgment Filing Fee
  5. SSB 6100 - Pre-trial Supervision Costs
  6. ESSB 1359 - Name Change Auditor's Fee
  7. HB 1437 - Sexual Assault Protection Orders
  8. SSB 5391 - Photo Enforcement of Toll Violations
  9. SSB 5718 - Commercial Sexual Abuse of Minors


1. Auto Theft Prevention Account

  • E3SHB 1001 (Ch 199, Laws 2007) amended RCW 46.63.110.
  • The law establishes a $10 fee per infraction traffic charge for the Auto Theft Prevention Authority Account.
  • The new fee was implemented as part of the JTR fee because it is not to be waived or reduced.
  • The JTR fee was increased from $60 to $70.
  • Bail amounts on all infraction traffic laws were increased by $10.
  • The JIS fee for non-traffic infractions was not affected by this legislation.
  • The Local/JIS and JIS/Trauma Account Fees section in the JIS Online Manual was updated.
  • The following sections of the JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction have been updated:

2. Traumatic Brain Injuries

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3. Overpayments Received by Courts

  • HB 1994 (Ch 183, Laws 2007) amended RCW 63.29.130.
  • The law allows courts to retain overpayments of $10.00 or less.
  • * Beginning 7/22/2007, courts may establish an overpayment threshold amount for the court on the Court Profile Maintenance (CPFM) screen in the Remit overpayments of $xx.xx and under to the Treasurer field.
  • The Court Profile Maintenance section in the JIS Online Manual has been updated.

4. Municipal Court Judgment Filing Fee

  • SHB 1144 (Ch 46, Laws 2007) amended RCW 3.62.060.
  • The law allows a district court to file any abstract of judgment or transcript of judgment from a municipal court or municipal department of a district court.
  • A new Cost Fee Code MJF (Municipal Court Judgment Filing Fee) was added for receipting the $43 filing fee for these civil and small claims cases.
  • District courts can use the same civil/small claims cause code as the original filing in the municipal court or municipal department.
  • The following sections of the JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction have been updated:

5. Pre-Trial Supervision Costs

6.  Name Change Auditor's Fee

  • ESSB 1359 (Ch 427, Laws 2007) added a new section to RCW 43.185C.
  • Cost Fee Code NCA (Name Change Auditor's Fee) increased from $32 to $40.
  • The additional $8 surcharge is for local homeless housing programs.

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7.  Sexual Assault Protection Orders

  • HB 1437 (Ch 55, Laws 2007) created a new section in RCW 7.90.
  • No filing fees may be charged to petitioners.
  • No service of process fees may be charged.
  • Certified copies shall be provided at no cost.
  • The Cost Fee Codes section has been updated in the JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction.

8. Photo Enforcement of Toll Violations

  • SSB 5391 (Ch 101, Laws 2007) amended RCW 46.63.160.
  • The law authorized courts to process toll violations detected by a photo enforcement system as parking infractions.
  • The law established a penalty of $49 for toll violations on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The $49 includes a $9 penalty (three times the cash toll for a standard passenger car during peak hours) for the Department of Transportation.
  • Courts processing photo enforced toll violations on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge must add a local parking law on the Fine/Penalty Schedule Update (FPSU) screen with BARS code 354.00.30. A violation code must be established on the Maintain Codes Table (TABM) screens PRKVIO table. The violation code can then be used during case filing on the Parking Batch Entry (PKB) screen.
  • Contact the AOC if your court has other toll facilities with photo enforcement so a new BARS code can be created:
    • Use eService Center and select Topic: Case Management. Enter your request in the Question Data area and click Submit to AOC.
  • The following sections of the JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction have been updated:

9.  Commercial Sexual Abuse of Minors

  • SSB 5718 (Ch 368, Laws 2007) amended RCW 9.68A.105.
  • The law increased the PRP (Prostitution Prevention and Intervention Fee) Cost Fee Code from $250 to $550.
  • The Cost Fee Codes section was updated in the JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction.

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Updated Bail Schedule

A new statewide bail schedule will be published on the Court Resources/Court Management/Bail Schedule page of the Inside Courts Web site as soon as possible after 7/22/07. It will include new and updated laws authorized by legislative action and updates to infraction traffic laws for:

  • Auto Theft Prevention ($10)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury ($2) fees

See also:

RN id: 1778