What is the procedure when our court changes banks or changes our depository bank account number with the same bank?

There are two topics in the Online Manual they provide the instructions you will need to follow when changing banks and/or depository bank account numbers.

From the Financial Processing/Banking section of the Online Manual, see the following topics:

  • Whether you are changing banks or remaining with the same bank, see this topic to establish a new primary bank account and close out an existing depository account:
    Changing Primary Bank Accounts.
  • If you are changing banks, you will need to create a new Official/Organization (OFO) record (if one does not already exist in JIS). Whether you are changing banks or not, you will also need to create your new bank account record from the Bank Account (BAA) screen.  See this topic for detailed procedures on creating the new OFO and BAA records:
    Creating Bank and Bank Account Records.

If you have any questions about these procedures, please contact AOC Customer Services before proceeding. Use eService Center and select Topic 2. Accounting.  Enter your question in the Question Data area and click Submit to AOC.

RN id: 1768