How does the court know which of the eTickets need to have an FTA/FTR issued, if there are no printed tickets to track?

The ETP Program has a report that lists all eTickets eligible to have an FTA/FTR issued; the court does not need to have the printed tickets in order to track eTickets.  The eTickets listed on the report meet all criteria as listed in the eTickets FTR Report Guidelines, located in ETP Help.

To run the eTickets FTA/FTR report:

  1. Click Print Reports or eTickets from the Task Selection screen in ETP.
  2. Click eTickets FTR from the drop-down menu of available eTicket reports.
  3. The Date or Date Range field automatically lists the current date.  You can accept this date or change it by clicking the Calendar icon and clicking the desired date. 
  4. To include Infractions only on the report, you must change the Case Types:
    • FROM: All Case Types,
    • TO: An Infraction Case Type or Types.

  5. To select BOTH Infraction Traffic (IN) and Infraction Non-Traffic (IN) Case Types, press and hold the Shift or CTRL key on the keyboard, while clicking each desired Case Type.
  6. The Date Type defaults to JIS Filed Date, while the Originating LEA and Processed by fields default to All.  It is recommended that these settings remain as pre-selected.
  7. Click FIND to submit the report.

The report lists citations that are older than the number of days listed in the court's CPFM screen (see note below), based on the selected Date Type and the date listed in the Date or Date Range field.

NOTE: The CPFM (Court Profile Maintenance) screen is used by this report to determine which cases are eligible for an FTA/FTR.  If your court policy is to issue an FTA/FTR after 30 days, the following field on the CPFM screen needs to be set to 30 in order for this report to only select cases older than 30 days:

  • Automatic FTR selection for infractions is ____ days from the filing date.

RN id: 1763