How soon can our court use Electronic Ticket Processing (ETP)?

The date for your court to begin using ETP depends upon when your local law enforcement agency obtains the training and tools necessary to produce electronic tickets.

Ten initial courts successfully beta tested the product beginning in April 2007. Enhancements weren't made based on the feedback of those initial ten courts. After the initial implementation and testing phase, the SECTOR and ETP programs were made available for state-wide implementation.

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) determines the sequence in which prepared troopers and law enforcement agencies will be allowed to use the SECTOR programram.  Preparation includes training users and having the application tools in place. This determination by the WSP drives the schedule for courts can begin using ETP and the dates by which court staff should be trained.

Answer ID 1721: en21:en local law enforcement agencies show interest in using SECTOR, the court will also be contacted by the Administrative Office of the Courts, to confirm that the court is willing to accept eTickets using the ETP system. Once the officers are scheduled for training with WSP, the court will be contacted to schedule the actual ETP training.

If a court has not yet received the initial inquiry from AOC, it means that WSP has not yet had local troopers or law enforcement agencies show interest in using SECTOR. Those local agencies should be contacted to determine if this is something your Jurisdiction will pursue.

See also:  Courts accepting eTickets.

RN id: 1719