Where is the law that states signatures are not required on citations by the offender or the police officer in Washington State?

There is no statute that affirmatively states that offender signatures are not required for citations. However, the 2006 legislature removed offender signature requirements from the following statutes, all of which deal with citations:

The legislation was Substitute House Bill 1650; Chapter 270 Laws of 2006. With that change, any requirement that offenders sign citation forms for infractions or misdemeanors went away.

The signature requirement was also removed from the following Court Rules in January 2006, to accommodate electronic citations:

There continues to be a requirement that officers sign citations. However, for electronically issued citations, that requirement is met when the officer logs on to the electronic ticket program with his or her password. (GR 30, sub paragraph 5: Authentication of Electronic Documents).

RN id: 1718