Are the handout materials from the AOC training class for New County Clerks available online?

Yes; that is, they are accessible from this answer. The PowerPoint presentations are attached at the bottom of this answer, in the order in which they were presented.  The name of each PowerPoint file includes the number sequence that followed the agenda, the title of the presentation, and the name of the trainer.

Additional handout material is included as either a link or an attachment under the presentation headings below:

  1. Introduction(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Handout attached at bottom of this answer:  "AGENDA."

  2. Court Overview (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  3. History of JIS (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  4. JIS Today and Tomorrow (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  5. Online Resources (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)

    • eService Center.
    • eService Center QuickStart Guide(located on Inside Courts home page under Help/Training Guides).
      • Knowledge Base Answer: County Clerk Resources.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Finding online manual documentation.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Superior Court Administrators' and County Clerks' Conference.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  "Five Useful Bits of Information" handout from the June 2006 WSACC Conference.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  "Inside Courts Manual and Website Hints and Tips" handout from the June 2006 WSACC Conference.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  ACRONYMS used by courts in Washington.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Using the personal bookmarks feature on the Inside Courts Web site.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Registering for e-mail notifications.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  How do I send a message or note to a LISTSERV.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Using the personal bookmarks feature on the Inside Courts Web site.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Find an RCW 

    • Online Manuals.
    • Washington State Legislature's Web site:
    • Glossaries - See Answer ID 1333: Legal term definitions.

  6. Data Dissemination and Public Records(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  7. JIS Person Database and Business Rules(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  8. JIS Basics for Superior Courts (and Security Overview)

    (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Online Manual (Under JIS Online Manual>Case/Person Processing>Case Initiation.)
    • Many of the Flowcharts that were used as Handouts are located under the Case Initiation link directly above, then click Introduction to JIS Case Processing, then click JIS Case Processing Overview and Flowcharts. Scroll down to view the Flowcharts. Each Flowchart is shown as a "thumbnail". Click on the thumbnail to view a larger size of the Flowchart.

      Full-page images of the Flowcharts are attached at the bottom of this answer (all the file names begin with "Flowchart."  However, please be aware that these attachments may go out of date. For up-to-date documentation, you will want to refer to the Online Manual.

  9. Data and Reports(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Convicted Felon Reporting:
      • Online Manual: Convicted Felon Notification. (Located under Court Resources>Manuals>SCOMIS Manual>Convicted Felon Notification.)
      • Handout: See instructions in the attachment at the bottom of this answer:  "Preparing Convicted Felon Report."
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Restoring voting rights to convicted felons.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  How the Secretary of State's Office is notified about felony convictions/restoration of voting rights.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Re-generate a Convicted Felon Report (Notice of Felony Conviction).
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  PowerPoint presentation on Convicted Felon Notification.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Docket entries transmitted to the Secretary of State for Convicted Felon Notifications.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Convicted Felon report does not include a case known to have a convicted felon.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Getting my voting rights restored.

    • PCN Reporting:

                eService Center Answers:
      • Knowledge Base Answer: PCN recording and transmission process for superior Courts.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: WASIS Disposition Transfer Report.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Guidelines for PCN entry on the SCOMIS Sentence screen.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  Recording a PCN number on a superior court criminal or juvenile offender case.
      • Knowledge Base Answer:  No PCN information on a case for a person fingerprinted or booked.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Court is not receiving PCNs.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: Processing a non-charge criminal or juvenile offender case if charges have not been filed.
      • Knowledge Base Answer: PCN implementation dates for counties in Washington State.

        Online Manual References:
      • Process Control Number Maintenance.
      • Adding a Criminal/Juvenile Offender Case.
      • Transfer of Disposition Information to WSP.
      • WASIS Disposition Transfer Report.

    • Caseload Reports:
      • Court Resources/Caseloads page of the Inside Courts Web site.
      • eService Center:  Search on 'caseload'.
      • Handouts - see attachments at the bottom of this answer:
        • "How Caseload Reports Are Used."
        • "January 2006 email from AOC Research."

    • Top 20 eService Center Answers (sent to the court management ListServs each month).

      See attachment at bottom of this answer: "Top 20 eService Center Answers Feb 2007."
    • Decision Management System.
    • JIS Roadmap for the new Case Management System (Core CMS).
    • Brio/Hyperion Answers in the eService Center.
      • From the eService Center, search on desired terminology; such as:  brio, brio query, statewide queries, Hyperion, data warehouse, using limit files, reports-only data warehouse, Hyperion manual, brio training, etc.
      • There are over 50 answers in the eService Center about Brio and/or Hyperion and the Data Warehouse.

  10. Statewide Queries(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Handout attached at the bottom of this answer:  "Statewide Queries of Importance to County Clerks."

  11. Site Coordinator Responsibilities(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Knowledge Base Answer:  Site Coordinator Responsibilities.
    • Knowledge Base Answer: Year-End Checklist.
    • Knowledge Base Answer:  Registering for email notification services. 

  12. SCOMIS Basics(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  13. JABS - Judicial Access Browser System(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • From the eService Center, search on 'JABS'.
    • Handout attached at bottom of this answer:
    • "Exploring JABS for County Clerks."

  14. JCS - Juvenile and Corrections System (PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Handouts attached at bottom of this answer:
      • "Referral History Demo."
      • "JRS Screen with Juvenile LFO Payment.

    • Juvenile Diversion Case Filing section of the Online Manual.
    • From the eService Center, search on 'JCS', or more specific terms along with 'JCS'. There are currently 109 JCS-related answers in the eService Center; to narrow your search, it is best to simply type your question in the Search box. 

  15. SCOMIS Case Management Status and Warrant Status(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
  16. JRS Receipting and JIS Accounting(PowerPoint attached at bottom of this answer.)
    • Handout:  "JIS Accounting Documentation Locator for County Clerks."

RN id: 1712