How do I print dockets and case histories for multiple cases at one time?

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction can order Case Dockets, Individual Case History (ICH) and Defendant Case History (DCH) for multiple cases in three different ways, described below:

Note: Effective 9/4/2018, the Abstract of Driving Record (ADR) is no longer available in JIS and cannot be printed in batch. The ADR is available in JABS to view or print one at a time.

Option 1 - Request documents one at a time:

Use the Case Docket (CDK), Defendant Case History (DCH), and Individual Case History (ICH) screens for each individual case and request the documents to print.   In both CDK and DCH screens you must type Y in the Print field.  

Result:  A separate entry for each request will appear in the court's designated Print Domain.

Option 2 - Request the documents from the Batch Print screens:

Use the Batch Printed Dockets (BPD) screen to print multiple Dockets and the Defendant Case History Batch Print (DCHB) or Individual Case History Batch Print (ICHB) screens to print multiple Defendant or Individual Case Histories.  There is an option to request ADRs for the listed cases on both the DCHB and ICHB screens.

To order the dockets using the BPD screen:

  1. Enter the BPD command in the navigator field and press <Enter>.  You do not need to have a specific case number in the navigator section to do this code.

  2. Decide if you want the report to run now or overnight.  Leave the N next to Overnight if you want the report to run now or change the N to Y if you can wait for the dockets to run over night.

  3. Enter up to 64 case numbers in the spaces provided.

  4. You do not need to fill in the LEA and Case Type spaces UNLESS you have case numbers that you know have the same case numbers being used by two different LEAs or for two different Case Types.

  5. Press <ENTER> to submit your request.

    Result: All dockets requested will appear in the court's designated Print Domain as one print job, rather than as separate dockets for each case.

To order DCHs and ADRs using the DCHB or ICHB screens:

  1. Type the DCHB or ICHB Command in the Navigator field.  A case number is not required in the Navigator field to access these screens.

  2. Press <Enter>.

  3. Decide if you want the report to run now or overnight.  Leave the N next to Overnight if you want the report to run now or change the N to Y if you can wait for the dockets to run over night.

  4. Enter up to 64 case numbers for the Defendants for whom you want DCH/ICHs.

  5. Again, you do not need to fill in the LEA and Case Type spaces UNLESS you have case numbers that you know have the same case numbers being used by two different LEAs or for two different Case Types.

  6. Press <Enter>.  

    Result: The DCHB reports will show the history only where the person in question is named as a Defendant on the cases. The ICHB report, however, will also include cases where the person in question is the Respondent or Petitioner to a case.

    The DCH or ICH will appear as one item in the court's designated Print Domain, rather than as a separate item for each case number.

Option 3 - Request documents from the PCS Screen:

You may order Dockets and DCHs from the Prepare Calendar Select (PCS) screen when you order a calendar.  For instructions on the Prepare Calendar Select (PCS) screen, refer to the Court Calendar topic of the Online Manual.

To transfer a report from the court's Print Domain to your PC as a Word® document or text file, please see Answer: Transferring (Downloading) a File from a Print Domain to a PC

RN id: 1694