Why does Inside Courts now ask for my e-mail address to log in?

In order to provide its court clients with better service throughout the Inside Courts Web site, the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) needs to know your e-mail address. Since September 5, 2006, your e-mail address is required in order to log into the Inside Courts Web site.  Please read the more detailed information below.

After successfully logging onto Inside Courts, an e-mail address is displayed along with your JIS User ID and your User Name. If an e-mail address has not yet been associated with your JIS User ID, the word "Unknown" is displayed in its place. If your e-mail address is listed as "Unknown", you will be prompted for an e-mail address before your logon process can be completed. Once you have entered your e-mail address, you will never see this one-time prompt again (although the link to update your e-mail address will always be available).

If you have not already associated your e-mail address with your JIS User ID, AOC strongly encourages you to use the Update Your Email Address link NOW to enter your preferred e-mail address:

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RN id: 1650