What are the instances when a case participant cannot be deleted?

See the Use and Restrictions and Troubleshooting Removal of Case Participants topics in the Online Manual for information about activity that prevents a case participant from being deleted, and how to correct these situations.

See also the Maintain Case Participants section of the Online Manual for additional information about the screens for:

  • Case Participant Add (CSPA).
  • Case Participant Update (CSP).
  • Case Participant Delete (CSPD).
  • Participant Inquiry (PAR).
  • Relationships of Case Participants (FRC).

To view a list of links to all topics in the Online Manual that address Case Participants, enter CSP, CSPA, or CSPD in the Search box available on the JIS Online Manual page. For a list of links to broader topics about Case Participants, enter 'case participants' in the Search box.

RN id: 1649