How is the Youth Status section on JCS reports affected by Resolution and Completion codes entered in SCOMIS for Deferred Dispositions?

The following chart shows the Youth Status that results from the various combinations of Completion, Resolution, and Result codes entered in SCOMIS for Deferred Dispositions.

When the code combinations below are entered for Deferred Dispositions in SCOMIS  ------------------->>...the JCS Referral, Criminal, and Offender History Reports show the Youth Status below:
Legal Case
Completion Code
Legal Case
Resolution Code
Result Code
Youth Status *
July 1, 1997, to the present
BlankDDSP (Deferred Disposition)Guilty (G)Deferred Granted (active)
Not blankDDSP (Deferred Disposition)Dismissed (D)Deferred Completed
Not blankDDSP (Deferred Disposition)Guilty (G)Deferred Revoked
Before July 1, 1997
(Continued Order of Prosecution)
Pending (P)Deferred Granted (active)
Not blankCTOP
(Continued Order of Prosecution)
Dismissed (D)Deferred Completed
Not blankCTOP
(Continued Order of Prosecution)
Guilty (G)Deferred Revoked

*If the Youth Status entry in JCS is incorrect, please review the BASIC screen in SCOMIS to verify that the Charge Result Code, Resolution Code, and Completion Code are correct for the true status of the Deferred Disposition, per the table above.  Correcting the entry in the SCOMIS Basic screen will correct the Youth Status entry in JCS.

See also: 

RN id: 1611