How does the Sexual Assault Protection Order Act (HB 2576) impact JIS and SCOMIS?

On June 7, 2006, House Bill 2576, the Sexual Assault Protection Order Act (Chapter 138, Laws of 2006), took effect.  (This bill was codified as RCW 7.90.) This law authorizes protection orders for the protection of anyone who is a victim of non-consensual sexual contact or non-consensual sexual penetration.  These may be criminal cases, or they may be civil petitions for protection orders.

See also:  2007 Updates to the Sexual Assault Protection Order Act (RCW 7.90)

In order to implement this law, a new civil cause code, SXP (Sexual Assault Protection), was added to JIS and SCOMIS. New order types were added to JIS for criminal and civil sexual assault protection orders.

For superior courts, some new docket codes were added, and some additional changes related to the SCOMIS Charge screen.

For courts of limited jurisdiction, a new condition code was added and some minor changes affecting the Plea Sentence (PLS) screen.

For a summary of all changes, see the Sexual Assault Protection Order Act of 2006 Chapter in the Case Initiation section of the JIS Online Manual.

In addition, the following chapters in the online manuals were updated:

JIS Online Manual (all court levels):

JIS Online Manual (courts of limited jurisdiction):

JIS Online Manual (superior courts):

JIS Code Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction:

SCOMIS Code Manual:

JRS/JIS Code Manual for Superior Courts:

Person Business Rules:

Caseload Report:

  • The Caseload Report will be revised to enable the court to determine how many SXP petitions have been filed, rather than producing error messages for this type of case filing.

RN id: 1571