Who updates the WSP officer numbers in JIS?

The court administrators and site coordinators at all district and municipal courts are authorized to make changes to officers' badge numbers as necessary. The procedures to do this must be followed exactly so all officers continue to have valid badge numbers for their Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) for the appropriate time frames. 


Explanations and step-by-procedures to change badge numbers are located in the Law Enforcement Officers (Courts of Limited Jurisdiction) section of the Online Manual.

If you would prefer to have assistance in making any badge number changes, you are encouraged to contact the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Client Support.  

Please use eService Center and select Topic 3. Case Management.  In the Question Data area, enter the name(s) and existing number(s) of the officer(s) whose numbers you want to change, along with the new numbers that are to be assigned to each officer.  Then click Submit to AOC.  An AOC Client Support representative will call to assist you in making the necessary badge number changes.

RN id: 1557