How is trust money on parking tickets handled, such as when a pre-payment is received?

Parking ticket pre-payments are entered as trust. Money can be posted in trust for parking tickets by posting it as bail money.  Money posted as bail cannot be applied to parking tickets, so the payment would need to be reversed out of trust and receipted directly on the PTP (Parking Ticket Payment) screen when the ticket is available for posting the payment.

To enter parking money into trust:

  1. Display the Parking Special Request screen using the PSR command and the case number.
  2. Enter the defendant information as described under the Parking Special Request (PSR) screen instructions in the Online Manual.
  3. Press <ENTER.>
  4. Post the money to trust using the PBB (Post Bail/Bond) screen.  (See the Post Bail/Bond Screen (PBB) section of the Online Manual for more information.)

When parking money held in trust needs to be applied to a ticket:

  1. Reverse the original posting using the Post Bail/Bond (PBB) screen.
  2. Refer to the About Bail/Bond: Receipting Bail/Bond (Courts of Limited Jurisdiction) section of the Online Manual for more information about receipting and reversals.)
  3. Receipt the parking money released from trust using the Parking Ticket Payment (PTP) screen.

For more information about parking payments, see the Parking Financial Processes section of the Online Manual.

RN id: 1547