What is the "User Transaction Count Report?"

Every Monday since January 29, 1996, all JIS courts in Washington State automatically receive the User Transaction Count Report in the court's default print domain (generally domain A).  This report was previously called the "Terminal Usage Report" and is now run ONLY for transactions entered in the legacy mainframe applications:

  • JCS - Daily User Transactions Report have not been run since June 18, 2006, when the last of the Juvenile Departments were converted from JUVIS to the Juvenile and Corrections System (JCS).

The User Transaction Count Report lists the number of transactions from the previous week (Sunday through Saturday) for every user ID in the court.  A transaction is counted when a key is pressed that transmits data to the JIS mainframe.  For example, such entry keys as <ENTER>, <PA1>, and <F12> update the mainframe. If a person does not log out of an application (JIS/SCOMIS/Print) properly, the report will show a transaction when it times out or if the application goes down for maintenance. 

A sample User Transaction Count Report is attached at the bottom of this answer.

RN id: 1523