Where is the best place to enter C/O (care of) address information on the JIS person record?

The U.S. Postal Addressing Standards suggests that the "in care of" link should be the FIRST line of the address, and be written using the following format:

"Customers having different primary addresses who wish to continue sharing a common receptacle must use the address of the receptacle's owner and the "care of" address format:

JOHN DOE  [In JIS, this would be entered DOE  DOE, JOHN]



JIS courts should follow the U.S. Postal Addressing Standards, putting the C/O information on the first line of the address block. 

Note:  C/O information should NOT be included in the name field as that has a negative impact on name searching.

See also:  Person Business Rule 8.00 Addresses, sub number 8.03 Use Standard Address Abbreviations and Data Entry Procedures.


RN id: 1510