Why am I getting a "Page Not Found" error when trying to access the Assessments.com tool for Juvenile Corrections or Misdemeanant Corrections?
The Page Not Found error when accessing either tool in the production or training environment indicates your network firewall is preventing access to the assessment tool. To accommodate the assessment tools, the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has assigned port numbers for each tool in each of the production and training environments.
The firewall to your network needs to be configured to allow access to these ports. Please provide the following information to your court's network administrator:
Tool | Environment | Port |
Juvenile Detention | Production (For your daily work): https://assessments.courts.wa.gov | 444 |
Training (For staff training only): http://training.assessments.courts.wa.gov | 8081 | |
Misdemeanant Corrections | Production (For your daily work): https://assessments.courts.wa.gov | 4430 |
Training (For staff training only): http://training.assessments.courts.wa.gov | 8082 |
If your network administrator needs to contact the AOC about allowing access to these ports, please use eService Center, select Topic 1. Computer/Printer/Security/Access, enter the Question Data, and click Submit to AOC.
RN id: 1431