In JCS, why is a non-offender referral displaying in the Pending Matters section of the Referral History Report?

A referral for the following referral types may display in the Pending Matters section if the referral does not have any referral reasons. The only time this will happen is if the referral was automatically created when a detention episode was added on the Detention Episode screen (DNEUPD) and no referral reasons were added on the Referral Reasons screen (RRSUPD).

  • Administrative Procedures - Non-Offender (AN)
  • Juvenile At Risk Youth (JA)
  • Child in Need of Services (JC)
  • Juvenile Dependency (JD)
  • Developmental Disability Placement (JP)
  • Termination of Parental Rights (JR)
  • Juvenile Truancy (JT)

RN id: 1343