Does the AOC or the Supreme Court require court employees to sign annual confidentiality agreements?  Is this a policy?

The Judicial Information System Committee (JISC) and its Data Dissemination Subcommittee have adopted, and the Board for Judicial Administration (BJA) has endorsed, a confidentiality agreement for court employees.

Clerks and courts are to execute this agreement with their employees, and any non-court user with a court RACFID, each year by January 31. For county clerks and superior courts, completed confidentiality agreement forms are to be filed with the clerk in each county. For courts of limited jurisdiction, completed forms are to be filed with the court administrator.  Statement of Compliance forms must be submitted to the AOC by March 31 of each year.  Judges do not need to sign the agreement as it is covered under their oath of office.

The statement of compliance forms and confidentiality agreements for court and county clerk staff are located on the Court Resources/Court Management/Confidentiality Agreements: Court Employees page of the Inside Courts Website. Confidentiality agreements for non-court users with a court RACFID are located on the Court Resources/Court Management/Confidentiality Agreements: Confidentiality Agreement for Non-Court Users with a Court RACFID. Prosecuting attorneys and public defenders must sign a confidentiality agreement prior to receiving court RACFIDs assigned to them.

RN id: 1297