How do I close or transfer an open juvenile case in Juvenile Risk Assessment (Back on Track) to a JPC (Juvenile Probation Counselor) in the receiving county?

The assessment series does not need to be closed in order for the case to be transferred to the receiving county.

If the series is open, the transfer must be made by staff, who will transfer the case to the JPC. Please contact [email protected] to perform the transfer and include the following information:

  • Juvenile's name.
  • JUVIS number.
  • Name of the county the juvenile is currently assigned.
  • Name of the county and name of the caseworker the juvenile should be transferred to.

When receives your e-mail, they will execute the transfer for you.

If the JPC is unknown at the time of transfer, the series will be transferred to the account administrator who can then transfer the case to the JPC.

RN id: 1220