How do I submit a system change or code request?

To submit a Code Request:
Use the online Code Request Form, located as follows from the Inside Courts home page: Governance > JIS Governance > JIS Codes Committee> Code Request Form

Follow the prompts in the form.  If the code request supports the use of a local form, attach a copy of the local form to the Code Request Form.  The option to send a file (attachment) is located under the Send a Supporting File section at the bottom of the online Code Request Form.

When finished, click Submit at the bottom of the page. Your submission automatically creates an Incident which is routed to the appropriate AOC group for resolution.


Due to the major information technology projects currently being done, the JIS Codes Committee has decided to meet quarterly and to review only legislative required codes, plain language form codes, and emergency requests for implementing system updates and/or correcting system errors. 

For more information on these decisions, please see the Approved Meeting Minutes from June 10, 2014 and December 9, 2014 on the JIS Code Committee Meeting Minutes page of Inside Courts


RN id: 1191