How does a superior court file a truancy case in JIS?

The instructions for filing truancy cases are located on the Non-Criminal Cases page of the JIS Online Manual.  Refer to the links under the Juvenile Dependency Case Filing sub-heading.

The full path to this location from the Inside Courts home page is as follows:

Education/Help Courts Site>JIS Online Manual>Case/Person Processing>Case Initiation>JIS Case Processing (Superior Courts)/Non-Criminal Cases.

The Truancy Petition will specify either a school district or a specific school.  SD prefills as the Petitioner person type for "school district."  If the paperwork is from a specific school, change SD to ED.

School districts and schools in JUVIS were converted in JIS to SD and ED type organizations.  If the school district or individual school is not found, the court should use eService Center and select Topic: Case Management.  In the text box, enter your request for the desired school district or school to be added and submit your request to the AOC.

The current School (ED) codes and School District (SD) codes are located on the school page in the Juvenile and Corrections System Manual on the Help Courts Site.

RN id: 1186