I received an e-mail notice from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) eService Center that an answer notification is about to expire. What does this mean and what should I do?

At the bottom of many answers in the eService Center Knowledge Base is a button entitled "Notify Me."  By clicking this button, you register to receive an e-mail notification whenever the answer is updated.  By default, this notification service remains in effect for one year.  As the expiration date for this service nears, you will receive an e-mail notification of the pending expiration for EACH answer for which you are registered.

NOTE:  You will only see the "Notify Me" button, on answers where that option available, if you have logged into My Stuff.  The system uses the e-mail address from your eService Center account in order to send the notification so you must be logged in for the option to appear.

In response to the e-mail warning of the pending expiration of the notification service, you may do one of the following:

  • Do nothing and allow the update notification service for the question to expire.
  • Renew the update notification service for the question.
  • Delete the update notification for the question.

Below are instructions on how to Renew or Delete an update notification service for a question.

  1. Click the My Stuff tab.  If you have not yet logged in under My Stuff during this Internet session, you will be prompted to log in.
  2. Click the Answer Update Notifications subtab under My Stuff.  The screen will list all answers for which you have registered for the update notification service and indicate for each answer how many days remain until the notification service for the answer will expire.
  3. From the list of answers in your registration list, click the answer for which you wish to Renew or Delete the notification service.  The answer will open.
  4. Scroll to the BOTTOM of the answer to see two buttons, Renew Request and Delete Request.
  5. Click the Renew Request button to renew the Update Notification Service for this answer for another year.  The request is processed.  NO confirming message appears, however, your renewed answer will now show that there are 365 days remaining before the notification service expires.  (You may need to refresh the screen to view this updated information.)
  6. Click the Delete Request button if you no longer wish to receive Update Notification e-mails whenever this answer is updated.  A confirming prompt verifies that you wish to delete the request.  Click OK to delete this notification request.  No further confirming message appears, although the answer will no longer appear in your list of Update Answer Notifications.  (You may need to refresh the screen to view this updated information.)

RN id: 1112