When is the monthly cutoff for caseload data for district and municipal courts?

Case activity to be counted by the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) must be recorded before the first Sunday of the second month following the reporting month.  Caseload report information cannot be amended after that "first Sunday" run.

For example: January data are generated for Web publication the first Sunday of March; February figures are generated the first Sunday of April, etc.)  Each month's report is presented on the Washington Courts Web site (http://www.courts.wa.gov) within two days after the scheduled run.  At that time, year-to-date figures also become available to all Internet users, including courts, policy makers, and the public-at-large.

For more information about generating Caseload Reports, please refer to eService RN id: 2152 - Run a CLJ Caseload Report.


RN id: 1065