How do I use the new CC (Course of Conduct) field on the SCOMIS Charge screen?

The SCOMIS Charge screen includes a Course of Conduct (CC) field for juvenile offender cases only. This field can contain the values N (No) or Y (Yes). The Course of Conduct is entered for each primary charge at the time a Result Code is recorded.

Same Course of Conduct is set out in JuCR 7.12 (d) as follows:

(d) Criminal History--Multiple Charges. If the juvenile has been
convicted of two or more charges arising out of the same course of
conduct, then only the highest charge is counted as criminal history.
If the juvenile has been convicted of two or more charges that did not
arise out of the same course of conduct, then all of the charges count
as criminal history, even though the charges may have consolidated
into a single disposition order.

The default Course of Conduct response is N. At least one charge must have an N. Enter a Y in the CC field if a charge was determined to be committed as part of the same course of conduct as other charges, and it should NOT be counted in the automatic sentence calculations in the Juvenile and Corrections System (JCS).

Refer to the online SCOMIS Manual, Criminal/Juvenile Offender Cases topic or to Help windows on the SCOMIS Charge screen, for detailed information. JuCR 7.12 contains information regarding disposition hearings.

RN id: 926