What are the password standards for signing into JIS/JCS/Odyssey?

Effective August 4, 2004, the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) made the changes to JIS security consistent with the JIS Security Policy and Plan.  It now requires that the password used to access court programs must conform to the Password Standards listed below. 

This change only affects your initial JIS User ID sign-on password (i.e., your RACF ID password), which also allows you to access the Inside Courts website or to access other web-based applications such as JIS, JCS, Odyssey, ETP, JABS, and ACORDS. 

While JIS does allow the JIS Main Menu (MAM) password to be set using the same password as the one used for the JIS user ID (RACF ID) password, the password standards listed below are not enforced on the JIS Main Menu password field.

NOTE:  When both your JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password and your JIS MAM password are the same, resetting one password does not reset the other.


  • Passwords must be exactly eight (8) characters long.
  • Passwords must contain at least one (1) upper case letter, one (1) lower case letter and one (1) numeric character.
  • Passwords may not contain any three (3) or more consecutive characters from the user's name as it appears in the RACF database.  For example, user "John Smith" may not have the consecutive characters joh,  john, smi, smit, or smith as part of the signon password.
  • ONLY the following special characters may be used (although they are NOT required):                                                                                              @ # $ ! % & * _ + | : ? < > . - =
  • Passwords must be changed at least every 90 days.
  • The last ten (10) passwords used by an individual must be unique.
  • After five (5) attempts to log in with an incorrect password, the user ID will be revoked.
    Your site coordinator or the person in your court who requests security changes can reset your User ID using the RACFADMN utility.  Users who have preregistered can also reset passwords on the Washington State Inside Courts Web site.
  • The JIS Main Menu password can be the same as the JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password or it can be different.

Please Note:  JIS Security Policies also includes a new rule regarding the use of password locked screen savers:

"4.1.6 - Password locked screen savers shall be used on all personal computers connected to the JIS from the courts or connected to the AOC network and must be set to initiate the screensaver no more than 15 minutes after the last use." 

If you have questions or encounter problems, please contact AOC Customer Services: at 1-800-442-2169, select Option 1.

RN id: 905