Can I view my Continuing Judicial Education (CJE) credit status online?

Yes.   The Judicial Education Unit at the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), collaborating with Judge Clifford L. Stilz, Jr., Thurston County District Court, developed a Web-based look-up accessible with your RACF ID (Mainframe User ID) to view your CJE credits online.

This service is located from the Continuing Judicial Education (CJE) Information link on the Judges' Resources/Resources and Guides page of the Washington Courts Extranet Web site, as shown below:

Judges Resources and Guides

Access to this site is restricted by login.  You must log in from the home page (see image below), with your RACF ID (Mainframe User ID) and password.  The RACF ID must belong to a judge in order for access to be granted to the CJE online system.

Extranet Login Prompt

See also Answer: How do I track and report my CJE credits?

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