How is the SCOMIS charge and sentence information in a superior court case transmitted to the WSP?

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) Process Control Number (PCN) is a number assigned at the fingerprinting or booking of an individual.  If a PCN is entered on the SCOMIS Charge screen, a NOTEPCN line is generated for each PCN entry.  If a PCN number is recorded, case information will be electronically transmitted to the WSP upon resolution of the case if not guilty and upon completion of the case if guilty.  This information is transmitted on a daily basis.  Case information will be re-transmitted if any of the following fields are changed:

  • Basic Screen Resolution or Completion
  • Charge Screen All fields except RCW
  • Sentence Screen Appeal To or Sentence Description

A Washington State Identification System (WASIS) Disposition Transfer Report, listing the information transmitted to the WSP the previous night, is automatically generated and routed to the court's print domain each morning.  Refer to the Online SCOMIS Manual, Prepare SCOMIS Labels and Reports topic, for more information and a sample of this report.

Contact the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Customer Services and select Topics: JIS Case Management/BIT Reporting, or call (800) 442-2169, Option 3, if your court would like to be set up for this electronic transmission or if you no longer want the WASIS Disposition Transfer Report automatically routed to your print domain.

RN id: 792