Is there an automatic process to delete person records no longer associated with JIS cases?

Yes, there are three monthly jobs that automatically delete JIS person records no longer associated with cases.  The jobs are commonly referred to as the Person Purge or Batch Person Purge Process.

JOB #PRDQ923 deletes individual (IN-type) persons no longer associated with JIS cases in any court.
JOB #PRDQ924 deletes civil (CV-type) persons no longer associated with JIS cases in any court.
JOB #PRDQ925 deletes official (OF-type) persons no longer associated with JIS cases in any court.

Because of ongoing program development in JIS, these processes may be disabled for long periods of time.  The court always has the option of using the manual Person Delete (PERD) process to delete any individual (IN-type) person who is no longer associated with a case in JIS or a referral in JUVIS. 

RN id: 789