When I receive an e-mail from the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) about a question I submitted, the link to the Incident takes over my browser window and when I close the browser to exit the Incident, my entire browser closes. Can I force the e-mail link to open a new browser window?

Yes.  There is an Internet option for the Internet Explorer (IE) browser, which can be set on your PC to control your browser preference.  Be aware that doing this will affect the way the browser acts in ALL instances.  Courts may need to check with their IT department or technical support staff before changing browser settings. 

1.  From your browser window, click Tools from the top menu bar, then select Internet Options, as shown below:
 Tools Menu

2.  In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab, as shown below:
Advanced Tab

3.  In the Browsing options group, find Reuse windows for launching shortcuts.

a.  If this option is checked, click the check box to Uncheck this option.
b. Click Apply.
c. Click OK as shown below:

Internet Options List

4.  You may need to close all browser windows and restart your IE browser before this change becomes effective.

Now, whenever you click a link to a Web page from an e-mail, a desktop shortcut, or from any other Web page, a new browser window will open rather than using an existing open browser window.  The new browser window can be closed without affecting the other browser windows.

RN id: 743