How is the compensation for arbitrators determined?

RCW 7.06.040 provides that arbitrators should be compensated in the same manner as judges pro tem of the superior court.

RCW 2.08.180 provides that judges pro tem of the superior court should be compensated at one-two hundred fiftieth (1/250) of the annual salary of a superior court judge.  It further provides that the compensation should be provided in the same manner as the salary of the superior court judge.

Article IV, Section 13 provides that one-half (1/2) of the salary of the superior court judge shall be paid by the state and the other half by the county.

The Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) does not offer the compensation request form. However, several counties in Washington State provide their court's Arbitrator's Request for Compensation form online, as well as other forms and instructions. For arbitration in King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, or Thurston Counties, see the following Web links:

For your reference:

See also:

RN id: 730