Why do some criminal cases show up on the SCOMIS Search Index results, but the same cases don't show up on the JIS State Name Case Index (SNCI) results?

The SCOMIS and JIS index searches work differently and therefore produce different results.

The SCOMIS Search Index command will search all cases in one county for one case type for a litigant's name.  The search name can be either the True Name or any AKA name and all cases are listed under either name.   

In JIS, the Statewide Name/Case Index (SNCI) will only look for one name (i.e., one specific name code) to find cases that are attached to that name.  Cases that are filed using an AKA name are not combined in this index listing with cases filed using the True name.  JIS-Link for public users does not include a screen with functionality identical to the SCOMIS Search Index.


RN id: 700