How do I upload from JRS to the JIS Mainframe?

1.  On the JRS Daily Routine Menu, perform all steps prior to the Extract/Upload task as shown below:

Daily JRS Routine

2. Choose the Extract/Upload button.

3. When prompted to Extract for Upload, choose OK.

4. When the Upload JRS Receipts button displays, click that button to proceed with the upload as shown below:

Upload Gif Button

5.  If a message displays that the upload succeeded, continue with the end of day checklist.

6. If a message displays that the upload failed, cancel out of the Extract/Upload task and choose Finish Later on the Daily Routine menu.  Contact the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Customer Services, (800) 442-2169, Option 2 for assistance.

For details about the JRS End of Day process and uploading to the mainframe, see the End of Day Checklist in the JIS Online Manual.  (Extract/Upload is covered in Steps 7 and 8.)

RN id: 533