Does my JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password ever expire?

Yes.  The JIS (RACF ID) sign-on password expires every 90 days.  You will be prompted to assign a new password when you attempt to sign in. 

You can reset your password from either:

  • The Password Self-Reset utility on the Inside Courts web site.
  • The JIS mainframe sign-on screen

See the JIS Online Manual, JIS Signon, Navigation, and Sign Off topic, for instructions on assigning a new password after expiration, or see the eService Answer Resetting my JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password - ID # 596 for more information on the Password Self-Reset utility.

For information on resetting a revoked JIS (RACF ID) password, see the eService Answer Resetting my JIS sign-on (RACF ID) password.

RN id: 423