How do I use the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) and LFO Billing reports that appear in my print domain?

The reports are described below, with information on how each is to be used:

DOC Billing Status Report

  • When the DOC Billing Status changes from the DOC (DOC Supervision) to the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC Billing), make sure the COS screen for the case is set up for LFO Billing.  See LFO Billing Case Information.
  • If the DOC Billing Status changes to DEC (Deceased), record the Date of Death on the obligor's person record (PER).

DOC Billing Status Exception Report

Most of the exceptions are system problems and must be addressed by the AOC.  One of the exceptions requires user action on the COS screen.  If the exception message is "Case has not been set up for LFO Billing on the COS Screen," the court should set up the COS screen for LFO Billing so the next monthly DOC import job can load a DOC Billing Status Code into the Bill field on COS.

Legal Financial Billing Report

The Legal Financial Obligation Billing Report lists cases that were billed by the AOC during a given billing cycle.  Use the report summaries to determine what proportion of the court's total receivables is being billed and what is the total amount of these billings.

Legal Financial Billing Exception Report

Most of the messages do not require court action.  Watch for the following messages and take action as appropriate.



The case has not been set up for LFO Billing on the COS screen.  The AOC did not bill.Set up the COS screen for LFO Billing.  See LFO Billing Case Information documentation.  Note that even if COS is set up, the case may not be billed if other conditions are not met.
The court suspended LFO Billing by setting the collections status code to be blank.

If case should be billed, enter L in the Cln Status field of the COS screen.

The obligor has no valid mailing address.  The AOC did not bill.

If possible, fix the mailing address (on the true name record), and remove the status code on the Address History (ADH) Screen.

The scheduled payment amount is zero.  The AOC did not bill.Correct the COS screen by filling in a monthly payment amount and payment start date.

For additional information, see the LFO Billing Reports (Superior Courts) section in the JIS Online Manual.

RN id: 327