How should I use case condition Revoked Suspended Jail sentence (RSJ) when there are multiple charges?

When there are multiple charges on the Plea/Sentence (PLS) screen, use the Jail Sentence, Suspended Jail and Credit fields to record the original jail sentence that was ordered for each charge.  This will make appropriate system docket entries for each charge.  The Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) recommendation is to record only original sentence information in these fields.  The purpose of this recommendation has to do, in part, with obtaining "like data across the state" for the DUI reports.

If the judge later revokes the suspended portion of jail time for a particular charge, use the RSJ Case Review Code and enter the number of days revoked in the Time field and the Imposed Date (the date the suspended jail sentence was revoked).  Make a manual docket entry to reflect which charge was involved.

If the judge revokes the suspended portion of jail time for several of the charges, use the RSJ Case Review Code and enter the TOTAL number of days in the Time field and the Imposed Date.  Make a manual docket entry to reflect which charges were involved.

The RSJ Case Review Code can be used on PLS multiple times as long as the Imposed Dates are different.  Refer to the JIS Online Manual, Suspended Jail Sentence Revoked topic, for detailed information.

RN id: 311