How do I enter a foreign address on a JIS person record?

To enter a foreign address on the Individual Information (PER) screen or on any other screen in JIS where there are address fields:

  1. Enter the street address in the Address fields.
  2. Use ZZ in the state field if there is no other valid state code.  The JIS State Codes include codes for the Canadian provinces as well as U.S. territories and possessions.  See the online Code manual, State/County/Country Codes, for a complete listing of valid codes.
  3. Use the two-letter country code in the country (CY) field.  See the State/County/Country Codes for a complete list of country codes.
  4. Leave the county (CO) field blank as it is not required if the state is not WA.
  5. Enter the foreign postal code in the Zip field.


Currently JIS does not print the country name as part of any mailing address.  U.S. Postal Service regulations require that, except for Canadian addresses with a Canadian style zipcode, the full name of the country be printed on the envelope. This will have to be done by the court by hand.  The JIS country codes are NOT used by the U.S. Postal Service. 

RN id: 304