How do I order court printer supplies for printers provided by the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)?

Instructions for using this Order Printer Supply program are below. You may scroll down to read all the instructions for using the online Court Supplies program or skip directly to the desired section by clicking a link below:

Who may order printer supplies from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)?
What supplies are available?

Are there minimum order quantities for any of the supplies?

What happens if I do not order the minimum quantity?

When are orders accepted and when are they delivered?

Can supply orders still be submitted via TAO mail?

How to access the online Court Supplies program

How to Submit a Court Supplies Order 

How to View, Edit, or Delete Placed Orders

How to Place an Emergency Order

Who may order printer supplies from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)?

Washington State superior, juvenile, district, and municipal courts who have printer equipment supplied by the AOC may order printer supplies from the AOC. Supplies for non-AOC owned printer equipment are the responsibility of the court.

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What supplies are available from AOC?

  • Continuous-form paper.
  • Report printer ribbons.
  • Receipt printer rolls and ribbons.
  • Continuous-form labels.

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Are there minimum order quantities for any of the supplies?

Yes. Both the ink ribbons and the paper products are quite costly to ship in small quantities. For this reason, we ask that the courts order no less than 3 ribbons or 10 boxes of paper per order. This is for the total quantity per order. For example, you could order 2 boxes of greenbar paper, 6 boxes of 1 part form paper, and 2 boxes of statement paper for a total of 10. You do not need to order 10 of each type.

Please Note:   Ribbons for all Tally printers have a shelf life of 6 months. Please take this into consideration when placing your orders. It is better to place smaller orders more often during the year. Also, it is suggested that the person receiving the ribbon order marks the date the order is received on the box. That way you can make sure your ribbons are not older than 6 months at any given time.  

What happens if I do not order the minimum quantity?

If you order less than the minimum quantity required, your order will be edited to reflect the minimum order. You will be notified by telephone or email that a change has been made to your court supply order.

When are orders accepted and when are they delivered?

  • Courts may submit an order at any time during any month as supplies are needed.  However, ordering should be limited to 4-6 times per year to help keep delivery costs at a minimum.
  • The AOC will batch together and place all courts' outstanding orders on approximately the 15th of each month.  When an order has been placed, the status will change from Unplaced to the date that the order was placed.
  • Please allow three weeks from the order date for delivery for normal orders and approximately 5-10 days for emergency orders.

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Can supply orders still be submitted via TAO mail?

No.  All supply orders are accepted through the online Court Supplies program only and may no longer be placed using the TAO program on the mainframe.

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How to access the online Court Supplies program

  1. Log in to the Inside Courts Web site ( using your RACF ID and Password.  Click Login, then click Continue.  (If you are reading a printed copy of these instructions, the Web site address to log in is, then click the Login prompt immediately under the Washington Courts logo in the top left corner of the screen.)
  2. Access to the Court Supplies program is on the Court Resources/Court Management/Court Supplies page.  (For reading from a printed copy of these instructions, the Web site address to access this page is  Under the Court Resources heading in the list on the left of the Web page, click Court Management.  In the body of the Court Management page, click Court Supplies.)
  3. Click To use the Court Supply System to reach the Court Supplies list page.  Clicking the link To read Court Supply System Instructions displays this answer that you are currently viewing.

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How to Submit a New Court Supplies Order

  1. Click the Court Supplies link on the Court Management page of the Inside Courts Web site.
  2. Click the link: To use the Court Supply System. (Before clicking this link, you may access these instructions by clicking the link: To read Court Supply System instructions.)
  3. Click the New Order link at the top of the page.
  4. Enter the quantities of the items you wish to order from the drop-down Quantity box located on the right side of the screen, next to each item available.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Add New button when you have completed the form.
  6. To return to the list of your current and past orders, click the Browser Back button or the Back to List link at the bottom of the screen.

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How to View, Edit, or Delete Placed Orders

Orders submitted to AOC during a given month may be viewed, edited, or deleted during that month. At the end of the month, AOC places all orders received that month; thereafter you may continue to view an order, but it is too late to edit or delete it.

  1. Click the Court Supplies link on the Court Management page of the Inside Courts Web site.
  2. Click the Date link under the Placed Date column to view the detail of the order placed on that date.  
  3. To edit your order, make the desired change(s) in the Quantify drop-down box next to each item.  You may also change a "Normal" order to an "Emergency" order if necessary, using the drop-down selection box.
  4. Click the Update  button at the bottom of the page to save and submit your changes to AOC.
  5. If you wish to delete the order, click Delete at the bottom of the page.
    NOTE:  If you click Delete, your ENTIRE order is deleted.  If you wish only to remove an item from your order list, simply change the Quantity to 0, then click the Update button.
  6. To return to the Court Supplies list page, click the Browser Back button or the Back To List link at the bottom of the form.

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 How to Place an Emergency Order


Emergency orders may be placed only when the "normal" order cycle will not provide the supplies when necessary.  Please limit emergency orders to only those categories that are required as an emergency.  Each category of item on the order form is from a different vendor.  Please allow 5-10 days to receive an emergency order.

  1. Access the online Court Supplies program the same way as when placing a normal order.  (See How to access the online Court Supplies program above.)
  2. Click New Order. To the right of your court name, select Emergency from the Type box.
  3. Enter the desired quantify in the Quantity drop-down box next to each item being ordered.
  4. Click the Add New button at the bottom of the form when your order is complete.
  5. All submitted emergency orders are placed within two working days of receipt by the AOC.
  6. To return to the list of your orders, click the Browser Back button or the Back to List link at the bottom of the form.

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If you have further questions, please use eService Center to submit your question to the AOC printer supply unit: Select Topic: Court Printer Supplies, type your question or request in the Question Data area, and click Submit to AOC. Or contact AOC at (360) 704-4018.

RN id: 186