Can I access Time Standards and Active Cases Pending caseload reports online?

Yes, they are available to be run on-demand through BIT.

A number of Superior Court Case Management reports were converted to BIT as of September 30, 2010:

  • Time Standards Performance
  • Pending Caseload
  • Pending Caseload Listing
  • Age of Pending Caseload
  • Court Profile
  • Court Profile - Statewide Total
  • Preliminary Caseload
  • Preliminary Caseload King
  • Preliminary Caseload Exception Report

These reports are published in the Superior Court Statewide Reports > "A Caseload" folder in BIT and can be run at any time.

To request the scheduling of a particular report for your court, please submit the request via an eService Center incident through the New Support Ticket tab.

For more information on caseload statistics and how the cases are counted, please refer to the Superior Court Statistical Reporting Manual.

RN ID: 1181