How do I record a new license number for an existing JIS person record?


With the implementation of DOL DRIVES, after September 4, 2018 all Washington State drivers will receive a new Driver's License Number (DLN) beginning with the letters "WDL" anytime a license is reissued or updated. In the past, drivers typically only received a new Washington State DLN if there was a change of name. Therefore, if there was an existing person record in JIS a new record would have been created and linked in JIS by True Name/AKA process. However, if the person's name has not been changed then a new JIS record is not needed.

When new DLN information is available, simply access the Individual Information (PER) screen and update the Driver License Number fields to the current DLN and expiration date. Driver License History is now available by pressing <F3> on the Driver License Number fields. This pop-up box displays information anytime DLN information is updated. If using the Non-civil Case Add (NCCA), Superior Court Case Add (SCCA), Juvenile Court Referral Add (JCRA) or the Civil Case Add (CIVA) (CLJ) or (SC) processes to add cases and person records, please refer to the instructions at the bottom of this answer for the steps to be sure new DLN information is received from DOL. Due to this change from DOL DRIVES, it is increasingly important to always check DOL records when filing new cases and new person records. This will ensure that all updated information, including new DLNs, are received from DOL.


File Attachments: New DLN with NCCA SCCA JCRA CIVA processes.docx (500.82 KB) 


Published 10/22/2018 01:33 PM   |    Updated 11/24/2021 12:18 PM